
email address ambiguity

Joachim 13 year бұрын updated by Joris Vreeke 13 year бұрын 1
In the profile's supervisor field, supposedly e-mail addresses are used as a primary key to people. However, users can easily add a new variant, for example paraic.sheridan@computing.dcu.ie seems to be in the system while I start typing psheridan and if I hadn't wondered why it isn't auto-completed I would have entered my supervisor creating a 2nd identity. Or did you implement that the system maps all email variants (in TCD they have even more as you can omit the scss part) to one person?


Will clarify the fields and just have them search on name rather than email address.

Will clarify the fields and just have them search on name rather than email address.

Names can be ambiguous, for example "Ian O'Keeffe", and also suffer from variations, for example "Schloegl" vs "Schlögl" vs "Schlogl". So the choice of key doesn't realy solve the problem. Maybe a cronjob can run a simple clustering algorithm once a week and ask Sophie for confirmation to merge identities. (The system should remember rejected clusters so that they are not proposed again, unless requested to revise previous decisions.)