Your requests by status


Missing / no matching activity types

Joachim 10 years ago 0
Under review

Search result shows wrong publication status

Joachim 10 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 10 years ago 1

List of people is missing person previously added as co-author to another publication

Joachim 11 years ago updated by David Filip 10 years ago 1
Under review

Cannot add co-author

Joachim 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 11 years ago 4

User list should use first name as secondary sort key

Joachim 11 years ago 0

List of people not updated on public website

Joachim 11 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 11 years ago 3

Tool for checking co-author list against bib entry

Joachim 11 years ago 0

publications not showing on main list on public website

Joachim 11 years ago 0