Uw opmerkingen
Interestingly, a list of one's own publication is shown after saving changes to one's profile ("update"), but not directly on any of the 3 pages "Personal Details", "University Details", "Research Details" under "my profile".
13 jaar geleden
same for "status: Accepted"
It still says "Publication Abstract", at least if I click the edit pen next to my publication entered last year to the Labjam system.
While for some reporting statistics, the order of authors is not relevant, we need to collect the correct order of authors (the submitting cngl member is often not the first author; think of the situation that a cngl member co-authors a paper with somebody outside cngl; also, if somebody like Shane adds records for other people, the submitter may not be an author at all)
Yes. The form appears now. Thanks. There are further issues when completing the form. Will check in the next days whether this is specific to Firefox 3.6.17 or a general issue.
Yes. If I click on "Publication" in the line "Share" on the dashboard, nothing happens, no window or form opens. This is testing with Firefox 3.6.17. (Firefox 3.6.x with x between 8 and 23 is the most common browser after IE8 used on our current publications system, according access_log from Sep to now.) On a newer browser, e.g. Firefox 4.0b12, it works fine.
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