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Search still doesn't find publication authors and co-authors, for example try "Cetinoglu" which should give you both (a) imported 2010 publications submitted by her to the old system and (b) 2011 publications in which she is the 2nd author.
With a new Firefox (9.0.1), I also have trouble with the co-author field. Here, I was able to add Jennifer as a new co-author (e-mail address was not yet in the system). For Özlem (also tried Ozlem), I do not get an auto-completion, so supposedly she's not in the system, but when adding her (with the plus sign) as a new author, the system complains "The email address already exists". (Adding her with an alternative e-mail address worked fine.)

To be more precise, auto-completion for "Ozlem" suggests one single line with the full list of authors from an older test where I entered a full comma-separated list of authors as one chunk. Reading some other posts, maybe the bug is that the auto-completion has been changed to only show stuff from the history of the submitting user?

After copy-and-pasting my publications details, the system complains "Please provide an existing event, otherwise create a new one using the '+' button on the right", however, at least in the event input box highlighted in red, neither the drop down list nor the auto completion works. Then, after adding the event (which probably was already in the system), the input box stays red, hitting the submit button again reloads the same error message and the same error behaviour continues.

Also with a fresh publication form, I don't get any drop down list or auto completion for the event input field. This is all testing with Firefox 9.0.1 (up-to-date).
After re-login today, the picture has changed according to my upload 2 days ago. If bug is difficult to fix, maybe add a message that the picture will only be updated on the next login.
Cannot say as I now don't even get this far with my old Firefox, see bug report "Publication submit form broken in old Firefox"
Cannot say as I now don't even get this far with my old Firefox, see bug report "Publication submit form broken in old Firefox".
Also, the list under "view profile" shows only publications submitted by that person. For example, the publication that I entered into the system in co-authored with Ozlem (and others) but it does not appear in Ozlem's list.
Alternatively, the Labjam system could detect that the browser is too old and display a corresponding message, maybe also pointing out cngl systems policy requires all cngl members to keep their software up to date and to contact local systems support staff (in the respective university) or the cngl systems administrator for help.
In Linux distributions like OpenSUSE and Ubuntu, the web browser is updated within the central software updates of the distribution. No updates are available for old versions of the distribution. The user would first have to update the distribution, which usually only works smoothly if each version step is made. Going straight to the newest version will not work. So this is a lot of work for the user and why almost all people don't do it (as I can see from the systems returned by leaving researchers). The pain level has to be very high. I'm currently helping 2 nclt postdocs to update their 6-year-old Linux systems.
It's confusing to see different pages for "my profile" and for "view profile" next to my name in a list of names. I understand this comes from the idea to push people to complete their profile. Still, all information shown under "view profile" should also be visible under "my profile". For the moment, at least add a link "view profile, including my publications, activities etc.".