
Cannot update field "supervisor" in profile - university details

Joachim 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 0

Joris Vreeke 13 years ago
Taking care of this now.

broaken Link

Yalemisew 14 years ago updated by Shane 14 years ago 1
There is a broken link on the dashboard if clicked on the researchers' Name( I believe that the links are not yet completed)
Shane 14 years ago
This bug should now be fixed. Please let us know if there are anymore issues.
Joris Vreeke 13 years ago
Taking a look @ this now.

Search Windows

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 2
Search Window is assumed to be searching only "People" for time being. I cannot find "Publication" only by search keyword "Javed".
Is it a bug or still under progress.

can't add a file to a presentation that isn't a publication,

David Lewis 12 years ago 0

this would be useful for posting powerpoint etc. ALso for URLs, many event post slide themselves or also videos of presentations.


No event field present when editing an existing publication entry

Joachim 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
When editing a publication, the event field is missing. Is this intended? If the field is planned to be only editable when a publication is marked as re-submitted, please add a line of text saying so. Also, what if the initial event was selected erroneously?

Missing / no matching activity types

Joachim 10 years ago 0
There is no suitable category to record the substantial work that went into organising conferences, for example as publication chair. Most similiar activity types such as "editorial" are not appropriate as they presumably contribute to specific KPIs, for example "publications edited", and the activity must not be counted under this KPI.

Mark Papers Rejected

Ian O'Keeffe 14 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 0
It might be useful to be able to mark a paper as rejected. Otherwise a paper that is not published would be left in an open state.
Joris Vreeke 13 years ago
This is a good idea. We will look into incorporating this.

"Need to be added to a track" message on RHS of screen

Ian O'Keeffe 14 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 14 years ago 2
After adding activity to system I get a message on the RHS of the screen specifying that I need to be added to a track before I can add publications or activities. This seems to be incorrect as I have already created an activity.
Joris Vreeke 14 years ago
Should be fixed now.

Trying to enter stuff

Joris Vreeke 12 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 12 years ago 0

stuff and stuff

Joris Vreeke 12 years ago