Not a bug

Inconsistent naming convention for Events

Ian O'Keeffe 14 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 14 years ago 2
The system seems to use two different naming conventions for events. When adding an event from the Activities section of the site it creates events using the name + the start/finish dates where as events created from the Publications page only use the event name

'nope' in project title bar

dave lewis 12 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 12 years ago 0

on the project manager page, the name for each project in its title bar is preceded by 'Nope'. What does that signify, it wasn't obvious to me?

Joris Vreeke 12 years ago

This was a debugging notation that has now been removed.  


Coauthor's profile doesn't show publication

Joachim 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
For example, Erwan Moreau entered the paper "Quality estimation" yesterday but it doesn't show on Carl Vogel's profile.

event entry dialgoue

Those Two Girls 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 1
doesn't allow entry of a multiple day event, only a single date.


Search window

Yalemisew 14 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 0
It is nice to see that the search button allows users to include/exclude results they don't want. It would be nice if the search window is directly accessible on the dashboard ( with out clicking on search/ close search buttons)
Joris Vreeke 13 years ago
Good idea. Will look into slotting it into our development timeline.

Activities categories

Anonymous 14 years ago 0
I'm trying to figure out 'activities' - e.g. VistaTEC roundtable I entered as a 'meeting' but I also traveled to it, and I gave a presentation (NON academic). I would now like to upload my slides of the presentation - but there is no facility for that in the 'meeting' activity. [There are a couple of 'notes'/questions I want to put on activities to see how they might best serve 'non academic' activities...
Under review

Cannot add publication event

Joachim 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 1

Joris Vreeke 13 years ago
Are you still having this issue?

cannot change profile picture

Joachim 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 12 years ago 2
"my profile - browse file - update" does not change the current profile picture (using an up-to-date firefox and a normal jpeg with 256x256 pixels)

Cannot add other meeting attendees in second activity

Joachim 13 years ago updated by Joris Vreeke 13 years ago 2
Adding other attendees worked for the first time I added them but now that I'm adding another meeting activity I get the error "already selected" when I try to add the other attendees.

cannot change the status of the publication to "awaiting revision"

Wasala 13 years ago updated by Joao Cabral 10 years ago 2
created a publication titled "Data mining on xliff standard" and tried to change the status of it to "awaiting revision" but the system keeps on waiting - nothing happens.
Joris Vreeke 12 years ago

This should be fixed now.