event entry dialgoue 4

Those Two Girls il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 1
Forces you to enter a submission dare, whereas some event won't have one.


'Activities' filter - should it include status and questions?

Anonyme il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0

I think if I 'filter' for activities, then I'm really interested in the E&O and meetings and others... not so much the 'status' and 'questions'.  I wonder if these will come to fill up the dashboard w.r.t other kinds of activities?
Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans
We have removed Status & Questions from the Activities filter.  Will look to adding them as separate filters going forward.

Cannot remove user from project

Declan Groves il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 1
Attempted to edit/change user's role in a project and I'm unable to. I tried dragging the user to the "trash" box, but this doesn't seem to work either

robots.txt tells search engines not to index our publications

Joachim il y a 11 ans mis à jour il y a 11 ans 3

http://app.labjam.com/robots.txt  tells search engines not to index our publications even though there are now linked from our public cngl website. Is this intended?


Dashboard filtered by projects?

Páraic Sheridan il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 1
What is the default filtering of the dashboard?  I *think* I'm in two projects, CNGL-core and PLUTO.  Do both show up in dashboard list by default even when I'm logged in (top right) to a certain 'track' which is clearly associated to a project?  Shouldn't the UI show me which 'project' I'm currently actively logged in to?

Publications/Activities listed on profile page.

Ian O'Keeffe il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0
It is possible to follow an individual via the RSS feed of their activities but what about adding their publications/activities to their profile page?
Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans
Yes, this is something we have been thinking about including in the next iteration if there is enough interest.

Profile Settings

Muhammad Javed il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0
- Additional University has been added (i.e. NUIG)
- I think Track Setting may also be a drag down list so that one can select one of his track. I added Digital Content Management last days, but today it is back to same old ILT .
- I think Update Button is working fine. I change my track from ILT to DCM and it give error that you did not select a file to upload.
Pas un bug

Cannot update field "Track" with CM or Centre Operations in profile - university details

Joachim il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0

Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans
No worries...we just didn't set up a CM track on the demo server.  

Co-author boxes on publication pages

Anonyme il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0
The boxes for co-authors aren't wide enough for email addresses so the text flows onto a second line. For example see page for "Linked Open Corpus Models..."

Image upload/size?

Anonyme il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans 0
Can you automatically resize images uploaded rather than giving error for wrong size?
Joris Vreeke il y a 13 ans
This is something we are thinking about for the next iteration. In the meantime if you create an account on Gravatar (http://en.gravatar.com) LabJam will automatically pull your resized profile picture from that site.