I cannot delete entries...

Cannot add publication, I tried several times but after filling in the info it doesn't appear on the dashboard

This should be fixed now. Please let me know if you're still having issues.

Tool for checking co-author list against bib entry
Idea: Show a table with 2 columns "Bib Entry" and "Author List (Submitter + Co-authors)", one row for each publication. For each row, highlight every surname that appears in both columns in light green and every surname that appears in the author list column but not in the bib entry in strong red. As the surname is in the database, this is easy to implement. Not so easy would be to identify new surnames in the bib entry (that is surnames that are missing in the Labjam author list) and mark them with purple.
This table would help to identify incomplete author lists that need to be corrected to show publications on the individual researcher profiles. If something is red, it means that it may be missing in bib entry - this should be rare and is not the main problem addressed here. To notice the problem, one reads the start of the bib entries and verifies that every surname is light green. If there is a surname in the bib entry not marked light green, it probably needs to be added to the list of authors.

Search result shows wrong publication status
show status "accepted" when clicked on them in search results for "DCU-UVT" and "code-mixing". However, in the user's stream they have status "pending peer review". (Soon they will have "withdrawn" or something else that marks them as wrong. Note that they are 2 more search results with similar titles. These are the correct final publications.)
The bug is that the wrong status is displayed. Clearly, only one status can be correct.

How is the report populated?
This comes down to the missing help text and explanations in the forms in Labjam. I understand that you want to keep the amount of information on each page low to not overwhelm the user. Instead of the always-on helptexts that we have in Drupal, what do you think of adding tool tips (explanatory boxes that pop up when the mouse comes close to the respective input field)?

publication file I'm uploading is not allowed
I uploaded a pdf file which seems ok but after I submit this entry I get the following error message:
"The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed."

search produces "fatal error" for empty input
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /var/www/labjam/app/production/application/views/toptables/search_results_view.php on line 194

publication creation error

update contact information
I would like to update my contact information to:
room F.34, O'Reilly, Trinity College Dublin
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho