
Adding a Publication, co-authors missing after failed submission

Ian O'Keeffe 14 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 14 ár síðan 0
After being prompted to fill in additional information on publication submission the form seems to have lost the list of co-authors
Joris Vreeke 13 ár síðan

how do i close the feedback window after submitting feedback?

Johannes Leveling 12 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 12 ár síðan 0
Joris Vreeke 12 ár síðan

This has been fixed.  


Profile Link

Yalemisew 14 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 14 ár síðan 1
Once I search a person(say Javed) on the search tab, it displays the publications of the person( at least at this stage). Following the link to the profile of that person, it displays my own profile. But I want to see at least the public profiles of the p
Joris Vreeke 14 ár síðan
This should be fixed now. If you're still having trouble with the link let me know.

Publication status "accepted" does not mean that paper is finalised

Joachim 12 ár síðan 0

The title, list of authors etc. may still change after acceptance of a paper as last minute changes are made before the submission of the camera ready version of the paper. At the time of acceptance, no PDF and no bibliographic entry suitable for the website may be ready. Either Labjam needs to be extended or users to be told to only set a publication to "accepted" after the paper is ready.


Feature request: Field in profile for whether the NDA has been signed

Joachim 11 ár síðan 0

Currently, each time a wiki or cluster account is requested, I ask Gabriel whether the NDA is in place and he is checking his records (hopefully a spreadsheet but maybe just a stack of signed NDAs).

Suggestion: add a binary field "has signed our NDA" or a general text field "additional operational information" to profiles that only Gabriel, Sophie and Paraic can edit (in case of the general text field, include the full operations team) and give me (Joachim) permission to see this field. In case of "additional operational information", the field must not be visible to other members.

This would make my and Gabriel's work easier and also speed up creation of accounts.

Best regards,



Adding activities: Meetings

Asanka 14 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 13 ár síðan 0
I have been trying to create a Meeting and encountered following problems:

* Attendees list contains two Ian O'Keeffe's; So not sure which one I have to choose from; Therefore in such situation it is better to put the University name (or Unique Identifier) within the bracket e.g. Ian O'Keeffe (UL - LRC).

* Can you develop an AJAX auto complete textbox instead of this dropdown list box of attendees? The complete list is huge so it is not easy to choose the relevant people.

* While I was filling out the Meeting form, I accidentally clicked outside the form and the form faded away. Unfortunately, everything that I had filled was gone!!! Therefore, it is better to implement a mechanism to prompt "Are you sure to leave this form?" kind of a confirmation dialog when somebody clicked outside the form.

* I re-created a meeting, and when I was filling out the attendees cage, i.e. when I selected Ian O'Keeffe' it showed a message 'already selected' so I tired to select different people. But the system didn't allow me to select the others too (gave the same error). So I had to leave the attendees’ cage blank!

* After creating the meeting, from my dashboard I clicked on the meeting that I just created. http://app.labjam.com/index.php/meeting/showsingle/5
I tried to modify/change it (i.e. to add attendees and to reschedule). However the system doesn't allow me to do so!

* These are some of my ideas:

- It should be possible to reschedule/cancel or add attendees to a meeting (even after creating a meeting). Furthermore, it is ideal if the minutes (and other files) can be attached to a meeting once it is held.

- It is great if some sort of a visibility mechanism can be implemented for meetings (i.e. only the attendees can see the meetings, or a selected people can see); so we can schedule internal meetings using the system too.

- Can we implement recurrent schedules etc for meetings etc.?

- It is great if the location set default by obtaining it from the profile of the person
(or at least to use AJAX to auto complete it). The country name can be set to ‘Ireland’ by default to Ireland (but with a drop down containing the full list).

Dialogue "Thank you for your feedback" does not close

Joachim 12 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 12 ár síðan 0

I tried the "X" and other elements, also tried clicking the background. The userecho thank you box does not close. Had to re-login to continue using labjam. - Joachim

Joris Vreeke 12 ár síðan

This should be fixed now.  


upload profile picture

Those Two Girls 13 ár síðan updated by Joris Vreeke 13 ár síðan 1
seem to have trouble uploading this. accepts browse details, it just doen't then appear on the profile.